I loved this-- the thoughts on the Woodman show and the thoughts on your own work, which I've never seen. I'll look for it. Thanks for this!

(I wrote on the show last week too, but I came to it from the Cameron side.)

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Thanks so much, Victoria - I'll go and read yours now, looking forward to it.

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Apr 3Liked by Alice Zoo

That's nice. I won't hold you to it, I know you're so busy (thankfully). I think it is by appointment only, so let me know or @aniaready? Hope to meet you somewhere sometime! J

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Apr 3Liked by Alice Zoo

Really enjoying your writing. Your piece on portraiture hung out on my desktop for a long time. Thanks and keep it coming!

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Apr 2Liked by Alice Zoo

what a beautiful profile of remarkable artists: thank you, thank you for sharing this piece!

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Apr 2Liked by Alice Zoo

Great article, very thought provoking. Thank you !

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Apr 1Liked by Alice Zoo

A super article. I am going, as it happens tomorrow w a friend. In particular, I loved " I am compelled by the space to the side of fiction where reality and unreality push and pull towards and away from one another." And the bit about self-portraiture, which I myself have just embarked upon, tentatively but excitedly, for the first time, with a focus on visually exploring my MH condition. (The first WIP outputs are at an exhibition in Oxford starting next Thursday evening 'til the 26 April. See @aniaready's account on IG for details.) And I have just re-subscribed to Interloper – I really respect and appreciate your writing.

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Thank you, Jonathan! I'll try and come by the show if I'm in Oxford before the 26th.

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Hey Alice, my name is Aidan. I also run a photography-related Substack (a weekly list of resources and opportunities for photographers). I sent you a chat request on here! I'd love to connect. And I absolutely loved this piece.

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