I loved everything about this. Brilliant

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Alice Zoo

I love this essay ! Life-affirming & encouraging, and very beautifully written. Thank you !

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Alice Zoo

Such a lovely read Alice! Sam has such a magical way of transporting you into another world. I really hate the every evolving algorithm on Instagram and the types of images that end up trending. he has really managed to capture beauty in such an authentic way. ✨✨

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I loved this! Thank you for putting into words a complex yet simple set of feelings.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Alice Zoo

Wonder-read! Always love finding your words online Alice!

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Lovely read, as someone who has followed Sam's work for quite some time and has also spent time filming short snippets more around 'sport' It was great to read a more in-depth perspective of his work and how it is perceived. Thank you

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Fantastic Place Furstenberg, Paris, August 7,8,9, 1985 #1

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Absolutely beautiful prose to match the camera's eye. Thank you for transporting me (and all of us adults) back to our childhoods.

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